Starting Tasks

“Never leave till tomorrow that which you can do today.” - Benjamin Franklin


Starting Tasks

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

Are you a pro at procrastinating? No worries, you are not alone! And, there are positive sides to it: it means you care about the task.
In fact you care about it so much that you fear you will not do it well enough.
Yes, you read correctly: Fear.
There are three emotions:

  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Love
The origin of procrastination is fear:
Fear of failing

So, next time you find yourself procrastinating, instead of getting frustrated with yourself, give yourself a thumbs-up and some space: go outside for a walk, or read a book for a while until you feel better.

1. Watch the Video

You are going to watch a video about procrastination (2:48'). Before watching the video, think about the moments in the past week in which you procrastinated.
Draw a table on a piece of paper like the one below and fill it in.

Task Fears Help
____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____

Watch the video. Take notes while watching.

2. Read the Text

Read the following text about procrastination. While reading, underline key quotations.
